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Winter 2006


 Course Outline 

 Group Project 

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Distributed Programming I

Group Project

The group project is an important part of this course. Each group will have 4 - 5 members. The project will be the same for all groups (a peer-to-peer application). The goal behind the project is not just to construct a nice piece of software (this is not a programming course), but rather to apply software engineering concepts presented in class, and experience proper practices of software engineering. The project will also give you a flavor of working in a team, which can be quite challenging on software projects. Java is the programming language for this project!

Project Description

Students will be allowed to put together their own groups, but if this cannot be done then groups will be assigned.

The final mark (60%) for the project will be based on the following grading criteria:

  • Four documents (32%)
  • Presentation & Demo (10%) In this presentation, your group members will demonstrate and defend their work. You must prepare PowerPoint Slides for a 10-minute presentation followed by a live demo of your system. There will be 5-minutes for questions. Here is what I would like you to do for your presentation:
    • Introduce your group members, identify your company and the product name.
    • Outline the functionality of the product.
    • Outline the most important non-functional requirements for your product
    • Go though some scenarios of use by presenting some screen shots.
  • Final group report (3%) The final report is a 3 page (single-space) document describing: what was the most difficult part of the project and why; things you have learned from the course and the project; things you would do differently the next time; what did work; what didn't work; thoughts on the process that was used in the project. A hard copy of your group final report must be handed in on the day of your presentation.
  • Quality of the finished product (5%) This will be based on the demo during your presentation as well as on the implementation (did you implement your design?). You must submit a copy of the source code (on a CD) on the day of your presentation.
  • Peer Evaluation (10%)

Project Milestones:

  • Jan 17: form a group and e-mail me the group info (names, student numbers, and group leader)
  • Feb 17 (at start of class): due date for the Requirements Analysis Document (RAD)
  • March 7 (at start of lab): due date for the System Design Document (SDD)
  • March 21 (at start of lab): due date for the Object Design Document (ODD)
  • April 11 (at start of lab): due date for the Test Report Document (TRD)...as well as ALL REVISED documents (RAD, SDD, ODD)
  • April 11: Project presentations. Also please submit (in a sealed envelope) your peer evaluation sheet

Copyright © Qusay H. Mahmoud , University of Guelph.